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Anxiety Relief Through Movement

We all have anxiety from time to time and some have it much worse than others. With the added stress of the holidays coming up we all need an outlet to process the stress to maintain mental and physical health.

Stress wreaks havoc on our minds and bodies, whether the stress is perceived or real. Anxiety can increase a persons risk for psychiatric disorders, and contribute to cardiovascular problems and diabetes. People with anxiety tend to be more sedentary and do less forms of physical activity, if any. Which is ironic because according to studies at Harvard, the best non-medical solution for treating anxiety is physical activity and movement.

30 Minutes Can Do Wonders

Doing thirty minutes or more of exercise a day can improve symptoms of anxiety and depression. Exercise diverts your attention from the things your anxious about and decreases muscle tension.

  • Getting your heart rate up changes your brain chemistry. It increases the neurochemicals and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which decreases anxiety and has a positive affect on mental health.

  • Regular exercise builds up your resilience against negative fluctuating emotions.

Research suggests that exercise protects against episodes of anxiety and anxiety disorders. When it comes to treating anxiety, more exercise is better.

Get Your Pump On: Increase your endorphins, your brain's feel-good neurotransmitters. You all have heard of the runner's high, but any form of exercise or hiking can produce the same feeling. Lift weights and go for a walk around your neighborhood. Movement alone will have tremendous benefits to your mental health and overall wellbeing. Almost any form of exercise or movement can decrease your stress. Weight Train

  • Biking

  • Running

  • Walking.

  • Yoga

  • Stretching

  • Dancing

  • Do what you love

Make Time For It:

Everyone is busy. We have to find time to maintain our physical and mental health. We're no good to anyone if we're grouchy or sick all the time. Find time to dedicate to yourself everyday no matter what. If you have to get up earlier or go to bed a little later, get moving. Positive benefits will cascade in your life when your baseline mood is more relaxed, open and receptive.

Always consult with your doctor if you haven't exercised for some time or you have health concerns.

Move yourself to better moods, less stress, and better health. Refuse to let anxiety ruin another day in your life.

Stay Healthy, Fam.


The content contained in this article is for information purposes only, and is not meant to be a substitute or replacement for professional advice and medical consultation. It is just shared as information only, and with the understanding that Directional Force, LLC, (Directional Force) is not engaged in the provision or rendering of medical advice or services whatsoever. You unilaterally understand and agree that Directional Force shall not be liable for any claim, loss, or damage arising out of the use of, or reliance upon any content or information in this article or any article provided by Directional Force. Please seek professional medical advice prior to engaging in, or undertaking any of the content, exercises, advice, and workouts provided by Directional Force.

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